Top Communication Skills for Resume

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing job market, having strong communication skills is essential for success in any industry. In fact, according to recent research by Salesforce, 86% of employees and executives cite insufficiency of collaboration and communication as the main reason for workplace failures.

Whether you are just starting out in your career or looking to make a change, highlighting your communication skills on your resume can set you apart from other candidates.

In this blog post, we will explore the top communication skills that employers are looking for and provide tips on how to effectively showcase these skills on your resume. From active listening to written communication, we’ll cover the key skills you need in order to succeed in the modern workplace. So, let’s dive in and learn how to make your communication skills shine on your resume!

Top Communication Skills for Resume

What Are Communication Skills?

Communication skills refer to the ability to effectively convey and receive information through various channels, such as verbal, nonverbal, and written communication.

These skills include the ability to listen actively, express ideas clearly and coherently, ask questions, provide feedback, and adapt communication style to different audiences and situations. Additionally, communication skills may involve being able to negotiate, persuade, resolve conflicts, and collaborate with others effectively.

Good communication and networking skills are essential in both personal and professional contexts and are highly valued by employers.

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Top 10 Communication Skills for a Resume

Written and oral communication: Both verbal and written communication skills are essential in almost all industries and job roles. Good communication skills enable individuals to convey their ideas effectively, build relationships with others, and ultimately achieve their professional goals.

  • Active listening: Paying attention to what others are saying, asking clarifying questions, and responding appropriately.
  • Nonverbal communication: Being aware of and using body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice to effectively convey messages.
  • Empathy: Understanding and acknowledging the perspectives and feelings of others.
  • Adaptability: Adapting communication style to different situations and audiences.
  • Respect: Showing respect for others’ opinions and ideas, and communicating in a professional and courteous manner.
  • Conflict resolution: Resolving conflicts in a professional and constructive manner.
  • Persuasion: Using effective reasoning and communication to influence and persuade others.
  • Public speaking: the ability to deliver an effective speech or presentation to a live audience. It involves the ability to articulate ideas clearly and confidently, engage and persuade the audience, and adapt to different speaking situations.
  • Feedback: Giving and receiving feedback constructively and effectively.

Written and Oral Communication

Verbal communication involves the use of words to convey information, and it can be either oral or written. Strong oral communication skills are crucial, even in jobs that don’t involve public speaking. For example, as a server in a restaurant, being able to speak clearly and establish a rapport with customers is essential for providing good service.

Additionally, written communication skills are vital for most jobs, as you will likely need to write emails, reports, or other forms of correspondence. If you have expertise in a specific type of writing, such as copywriting or editing, it’s important to highlight that on your resume or in a job interview.

Here’s how to demonstrate written and oral communication on a resume:

“Exceptional written and oral communication skills with a talent for conveying complex information in a clear and engaging manner.”


“Demonstrated ability to adapt communication style to diverse audiences and contexts, from technical reports to marketing materials.”

Active Listening

Active listening is a communication skill that involves paying full attention to what someone is saying and demonstrating that you are engaged and interested in the conversation. Active listening requires more than just hearing the words that are being spoken. It involves being fully present in the conversation, asking clarifying questions, and providing feedback to ensure that you understand the message accurately.

Active listening can help build rapport and trust between communicators, and it can help prevent misunderstandings or miscommunications. Additionally, active listening can help individuals understand different perspectives and gain insight into other people’s experiences and ideas. Some specific techniques for active listening include making eye contact, avoiding distractions, paraphrasing or summarizing what the other person said, and acknowledging their feelings or emotions. Active listening is an essential skill for effective communication in both personal and professional contexts.

Here’s how to demonstrate active listening on a resume:

“Conducted regular one-on-one meetings with team members to actively listen to their concerns and provide guidance on professional development, resulting in a 20% increase in employee satisfaction.”


“Collaborated with cross-functional teams to gather and synthesize customer feedback through active listening, informing product development decisions that led to a 15% increase in customer retention.”

Nonverbal Communication

Effective communication involves nonverbal cues such as body language, posture, gestures, eye contact patterns, and facial expressions, which can foster trust and reveal underlying emotions.

Nonverbal communication is crucial in various professions, including sales and leadership. In fact, the power of nonverbal communication was the subject of the research of the renowned behavioral psychologist Dr. Albert Mehrabian. His research resulted in the 7-38-55 rule, which indicates that only 7% of all communication is conducted via verbal communication, whereas nonverbal communication (tonality and body language) accounts for 38% and 55% respectively.

During job interviews, it’s advisable to showcase your nonverbal communication skills by maintaining eye contact, controlling facial expressions, and avoiding excessive hand gestures.

Here’s how to demonstrate nonverbal communication on a resume:

“Implemented effective communication strategies, including active listening and nonverbal cues, to manage high-pressure situations and diffuse conflicts in a team environment.”


Yes, empathy is a communication skill. It involves the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. Empathy can help establish a connection with others, foster trust, and create a safe space for effective communication. It is especially important in situations where people may be experiencing strong emotions, such as during conflict resolution or when providing support to someone in distress. By demonstrating empathy, you can show that you care about the other person’s well-being and are willing to listen and support them.

How to demonstrate empathy on a resume:

“Developed a reputation for being approachable, patient, and attentive to the needs of clients and colleagues”


Adaptability is a communication skill that refers to the ability to adjust your communication style and approach to fit the situation and audience. It involves being flexible and responsive to changing circumstances, such as the needs, expectations, or preferences of different people.

Adaptability is particularly important in diverse environments where people have different backgrounds, cultures, or communication styles. It enables you to build rapport, avoid misunderstandings, and communicate effectively with people who have different perspectives or preferences.

Examples of adaptability in communication can include modifying your tone, word choice, or nonverbal cues based on the situation or audience, listening actively and responding to feedback, and being willing to change your approach when necessary.

How to demonstrate adaptability on a resume:

“Adaptable team player with a proven track record of thriving in fast-paced, dynamic environments.”


“Able to pivot quickly in response to changing priorities and maintain a positive attitude in high-pressure situations.”


Respect is a crucial element of successful communication and an essential skill to demonstrate during job interviews. It involves active listening, patience, and appropriate initiation and response in conversations. Demonstrating respect through simple gestures, such as staying focused, being polite, and minimizing distractions, can go a long way in building relationships with colleagues and recruiters.

During job interviews, interrupting the recruiter or going off-topic is considered rude and may harm your chances of getting the job. Therefore, showing respect by being attentive and focused during the interview can make a positive impression and increase your chances of success.

How to demonstrate respect on a resume:

“Skilled in effective and respectful communication with diverse audiences, from team members to clients and stakeholders.”


“Demonstrated ability to navigate complex conversations with empathy, tact, and professionalism.”

Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is an important communication skill on a resume because it demonstrates an ability to effectively manage and resolve disagreements or disputes in the workplace. This skill is highly valued by employers as it can lead to increased productivity, improved morale, and stronger relationships among team members. In addition, the ability to handle conflicts in a calm and professional manner can showcase a candidate’s leadership potential and ability to work well under pressure.

Here’s how to demonstrate conflict resolution on a resume:

“Skilled in conflict resolution, with a proven track record of successfully navigating challenging conversations with tact and empathy.”


“Experienced in using active listening, problem-solving, and negotiation skills to find win-win solutions in high-pressure situations.”


Persuasion is an important communication skill in the workplace because it can help individuals influence others and achieve their goals. Effective persuasion skills can help individuals sell ideas, products or services, negotiate contracts, motivate employees, and convince stakeholders to support a particular course of action.

This skill is particularly valuable for individuals in leadership, sales, marketing, and customer service roles, as well as for those who need to work collaboratively with others to achieve common objectives. By mastering the art of persuasion, individuals can become more influential and successful in their careers.

Here’s how to demonstrate persuasion on a resume:

“Adept at crafting persuasive arguments and delivering compelling presentations to diverse audiences.”


“Proven track record of using data-driven insights and compelling storytelling to influence key stakeholders and drive business results.”

Public speaking

Public speaking is an important communication skill in the workplace because it enables individuals to effectively communicate their ideas, expertise, and vision to their colleagues, clients, and stakeholders. It is a crucial skill for professionals in a wide range of fields, from sales and marketing to education and politics, as well as for those in leadership positions who need to inspire and motivate their teams. Effective public speaking can help individuals build their credibility, establish themselves as thought leaders, and connect with their audience on a personal level. It can also lead to career advancement opportunities, as those who are able to deliver compelling and persuasive presentations are often seen as more capable and competent by their superiors.

Here’s how to demonstrate public skills on a resume:

“Experienced public speaker with strong presentation and facilitation skills for audiences of all sizes.”


“Adept at developing and delivering clear, concise, and engaging presentations that drive knowledge transfer and inspire action.”


Providing and accepting feedback is an essential communication skill that requires active listening, respect, open-mindedness, and teamwork. To encourage constructive feedback, it is necessary to truly understand the speaker’s meaning, respect their opinion, and remain open-minded. When receiving feedback from a supervisor, it is important to listen and accept the evaluation without judgment, and ask clarifying questions at the end to make the process as constructive as possible. When giving feedback to a colleague, a fact-based evaluation should be used, offering time for them to respond and considering their needs, with negative feedback provided discreetly. The ability to give and take feedback is essential for career success, as it reflects a willingness to learn, adapt, accept constructive criticism, and engage in critical reasoning.

Here’s how to demonstrate feedback on a resume:

“Experienced in giving and receiving constructive feedback to drive personal and team development.”


“Adept at creating a culture of feedback that fosters open and honest communication and continuous improvement.”

How to Describe Communication Skills on a Resume

When describing communication skills on a resume, it’s important to be clear and specific about the types of communication that you excel in. Here are some tips for effectively describing communication skills on a resume:

Tailor your language to the job description: Look at the job description and identify the specific communication skills that the employer is looking for, such as public speaking, active listening, conflict resolution, or persuasion. Use similar keywords and phrases to describe your skills.

Use concrete examples: Provide specific examples of how you have used your communication skills in past jobs or other experiences, such as leading a team meeting, giving a presentation, or resolving a conflict. Use metrics or other data to show the impact of your communication skills on the organization.

Be concise: Keep your descriptions brief and to the point, using bullet points or short sentences to convey your skills and accomplishments. Use action verbs to describe what you have done, such as “collaborated,” “negotiated,” or “facilitated.”

Highlight your soft skills: Soft skills such as active listening, empathy, and emotional intelligence are highly valued by employers, so be sure to include these in your description of communication skills. Provide examples of how you have used these skills in the past to achieve results or build strong relationships.

Proofread: Ensure that your descriptions are error-free, well-organized, and easy to read. Use a clear, legible font and avoid cluttered or complex formatting.

20 Phrases for Describing Communication Skills on a Resume

  • “Excellent verbal and written communication skills”
  • “Strong interpersonal skills
  • “Exceptional listening skills”
  • “Articulate and clear communicator”
  • “Comfortable speaking in public or presenting to groups”
  • “Effective at communicating complex ideas to diverse audiences”
  • “Skilled in facilitating group discussions or meetings”
  • “Proficient in professional email communication”
  • “Experienced in negotiating and persuading”
  • “Active and engaged listener”
  • “Comfortable working in a team environment”
  • “Accustomed to adapting communication style to meet various audiences”
  • “Skilled in conflict resolution and problem-solving through communication”
  • “Experienced in giving constructive feedback and criticism”
  • “Knowledgeable in nonverbal communication cues”
  • “Effective at communicating empathy and understanding”
  • “Fluent in multiple languages”
  • “Adept at creating and delivering effective presentations”
  • “Experienced in active listening and paraphrasing”
  • “Proficient in using various communication technologies and tools.”

Communication vs. Effective Communication

Communication in the workplace refers to the exchange of information or ideas between individuals or groups.

Effective communication, on the other hand, means conveying messages clearly, accurately, and in a way that is easily understood by the receiver, leading to a desired outcome. According to a study by Pumble, teams who master effective communication can increase their productivity by as much as 25%.

Effective communication involves not only the transmission of information but also the ability to actively listen, provide feedback, and adjust communication styles as needed to ensure the message is understood.

Why You Need Communication Skills

Communication skills are essential in the workplace for several reasons:

  1. Collaboration and teamwork: Effective communication skills enable individuals to work together and collaborate effectively as a team, share ideas, and work towards a common goal.
  2. Better productivity: Good communication reduces misunderstandings and errors, thereby improving productivity and efficiency.
  3. Improved customer relations: Communication skills are critical in customer service, ensuring that customer needs are understood, and their issues are addressed promptly.
  4. Career advancement: Effective communication skills are often a requirement for leadership positions in organizations. Strong communicators are often considered for promotion as they can effectively convey their ideas to colleagues and management.
  5. Building relationships: Communication skills are essential for building relationships in the workplace, including networking, negotiating, and managing conflict.

How to Improve Your Communication Skills?

There are several things you can do to improve your communication skills. Namely:

Practice active listening: Pay close attention to what others are saying and respond appropriately.

Use clear and concise language: Avoid using complicated or jargon-filled language and focus on being straightforward and to the point.

Be aware of your body language: Nonverbal cues such as eye contact, posture, and facial expressions can impact how your message is received.

Be empathetic: Try to understand the perspective of the person you are communicating with, and respond in a way that shows you value their thoughts and feelings.

Practice, practice, practice: The more you communicate, the better you will become. Seek out opportunities to practice, such as in public speaking or social situations.

Get feedback: Ask for feedback from others to help you identify areas where you can improve your communication skills.

Read and write: Reading and writing can improve your vocabulary and help you communicate more effectively.

Take a course or workshop: Consider taking a course or workshop in communication skills to learn new techniques and strategies.

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